LEGO Packaging

In the fall of 2020, I took a class on book and packaging design. For our final projects we were able to choose to complete either a book design or a packaging design. I chose packaging.

Those who know me know that I love LEGO. My ultimate dream job is to work for LEGO designing packaging for their various products. I would move my family to Denmark to do it.

The idea I had for this project was as if LEGO released a special edition Architecture set that included four different sets. The trick would be that there would be four boxes inside of a bigger box and the four inner boxes would interlock like LEGO bricks.

The outer box is a clamshell box and the inner boxes are custom designed and made.


Lessons learned:

I realized after constructing the boxes that my tolerances were too tight and I had to remove some material from the clamshell box to make the inner boxes fit.

Note: The LEGO Group is in no way affiliated with this project. The LEGO name, logo, and other assets were used in accordance with section 107 of the Copyright Act (Fair Use).